Saturday, July 22, 2006

A mini wedding boom

The number of Timorese marrying at this unsettled time is on the increase. Upon hearing this, one thinks it a bit odd that people would want to marry when there are other more pressing things to think about such as securing shelter and food for one’s family. However, brides have become very cheap! Brides’ families are prepared to negotiate the price of their daughters down due to the current situation. Families know that money is tight and possessions have been lost. Thus, many people are taking the plunge. In a society where those marrying often take on life-long debts, cheap weddings (and wives) have become the fashion of the day.
This morning the driver at Daniel’s work place, Rui, married his long time partner and mother of his children. They are all living at the IDP camp at the airport after their house was burnt down. We were invited to the wedding but due to miscommunication, we were not able to attend!

Category: Timor-Leste (East Timor)

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